I have been waiting for this night for eight months. It's 7:21 pm, central time, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself until it starts. I'll be back, after it's over, to add what I'm hoping to be a blathering of brilliance to the rest of this post.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
There was a comment on one of the earlier episodes, season unknown, when one of Ben's others (not the Temple Group), I think it was Danny (Season 3, maybe?) said, "SHEPHARD WASN'T EVEN ON JACOB'S LIST." I wonder what that means, now that he WAS on the new one (in the guitar cross).
In the recap of last season, Sun said she talked to a man who said his name was CHRISTIAN and Ben had a very shocked look, almost one of recognition. I never noticed that before. I wonder what's up with that.
The ash keeps Smokey away. So earlier, when they were looking for the cabin, they saw a line of ash around it. So Horace builds the cabin, Jacob uses it and then Christian starts using it?
So when Smokey dragged the Frenchman through the hole in the temple, it wasn't really the temple? Just the outside of it? He doesn't just get to roam around in there, right?
I can't wait until I am caught up so I know what all of this means.
Season One- Done!
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