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Oh Hell no . . . |
UGH! What a horribly frustrating episode! My girl Pam has got it all figured out, doesn't she? BILL KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! I mean, I am completely fine with Eric prancing around shirtless---for a while--- but this nice-guy sap has got to go! I am waiting for two things to happen: Pam to pull some crazy-vamp kick-ass "oh no you didn't just mess with my maker" business on those nasty witches, and for Sookie, having learned to identify more with Eric's softer side, to *finally* get up on that (after he's back to his naughty bad real self, of course).
also: After Sookie told Pam (last week) that she wasn't interested in being Eric's puppet, Pam said, "Shame for you; he pulls good string." Was Pam speaking from an observational standpoint, or have they, you know, done it? Is that allowed between maker and progeny? Because, damn.
And poor Jason; things just went from bad to worse. One of my favorite utterances on the show has become Andy Bellefleur's constant growling, "STACKHOUSE!" on the phone or in person, or sometimes, "GOD DAMMIT, STACKHOUSE!" It's like the best name ever to be yelled with a southern accent----Staackhaaawse!
Speaking of southern accents: don't forget to switch TNT on tonight during The Closer or Rizzoli and Isles to catch the DALLAS trailer! And for a bit more on True Blood, week to week (with better photographs and video) check out my Bites from Bon Temps updates on Examiner.
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