Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rescue Me Finale: Where My Boys At?

Big buildings = Big problems.
EEEEEEEEE! I finally got Matt to dump everything important onto his new computer (in case I ruin this one, which is a distinct possibility since all the technical shit hates me around here) so you know the first substantial thing I'm gonna write is about Tommy and the boys, DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT SHIT GO DOWN ON WEDNESDAY?!?!?!


I was clenching and tensing the entire time that fire began. Horribly. I could barely handle it because I knew it was going to be major and the show is ending and they were all just mostly happy together at Colleen and Sean's wedding . . . you knew that couldn't last. The looks of realization on Garrity and Mike's faces when they hear the walkie . . . "there's no means of egress, repeat, 62 has no means of egress . . . " Black Sean stops CPR momentarily to process what's happening, and Franco admonishes him, "get back to work, Sean,  come on, asshole, WE DON'T QUIT!" Jesus, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

I do find the fact that the elevator would only take Tommy (and the guys who followed him) up significant. Redemption perhaps? Christ. See you next Wednesday with a box of Kleenex. I'm not good at funerals.