Perchance to Dream
originally aired: November 27, 1959
written by: Charles Beaumont
starring: Richard Conte, Suzanne Lloyd
"Twelve o'clock, noon. An ordinary scene in an ordinary city. Lunchtime for thousands of ordinary people, to most of them this hour will be a rest, a pleasant break in the day's routine. To most, but not all. To Edward Hall time is an enemy, and the hours to come are a matter of life and death."
classification: drama/thriller
story: A man tells his psychiatrist that he is afraid of being murdered in his dreams by a strange girl. He later dreams that he falls to his death, but in reality he has died on the psychiatrist's couch.
my summary: NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!! Nice and creepy. I have NEVER forgotten the bit about the mind playing tricks--making the picture move, seeing someone in your backseat, not being able to control your dreams, etc. Certain ideas like this just "get" me, much like the whole bit about coming through the TV on THE RING. Couldn't sleep for days afterwards, couldn't take a shower without looking around all creeped out and paranoid some kabuki freak was coming after me....yuck.
Great script. Conte plays it pretty well, I love his east-coast accent. Eerie music contributes nicely (Van Cleeve); Maya is very creepy and frightening (like Bemis's wife.)
"They say a dream takes only a second or so, and in that second, a man can live a lifetime. He can suffer and die. And who's to say which is the greater reality? The one we know or the one in dreams? Between heaven, the sky, the earth, in The Twilight Zone."