Saturday, March 19, 2011

Clone Wars: Children of the Force

Honestly, this show is more kick-ass than anything that happened in any of the films; if you're a Star Wars fan, seriously look into it. Cradle-robbing and the combined force of three Jedis? Nice! If you don't feel like watching all eleven minutes, start off at around 9:22, it's wicked cool!


Donald said...

I own the first season on DVD and think it's great, albeit somewhat flawed in certain ways. I should pick up season two. If I do, I'll buy it from the ad on your blog. Do you get a piece of that if I do?

That Chick who likes to Procreate said...

hey, right on! yes.

Donald said...

I'm gonna watch this episode you embedded first to see if I still like it...

That Chick who likes to Procreate said...

AND? I thought this episode was actually better than anything in the first season.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

I guess I need to give this show another shot. I could never get over the characterization of Anakin and his stupid padawan.

Donald said...

Anakin and his stupid Padawan are the worst things about this show to be sure. The episodes centered around them (which are admittedly in the majority) are usually pretty weak. But the show really shines in the episodes around the other Jedi. The one where Kit Fisto faced off against General Grevious, for example, was amazing.

And this episode was good. But I'm gonna go walk up the street to Cheapo (the used CD/Movie store in Uptown Minneapolis) and see if they have a used copy. Sorry if you miss out on that penny Google would've given you for my potential sale.

That Chick who likes to Procreate said...

i think she's annoying in many of the scenes, too, but I have a daughter who *loves* asohka, and truthfully, I think giving little girls a jedi role model is a good thing. What I don't know though is what happens to her; did she die when they executed the order in Sith?

Donald said...

I'm guessing she'll die at the end of this Clone Wars series. I mean... she has to, right? It wouldn't make any sense if Anakin's Padawan was around during the time of Revenge of the Sith and never made any appearances.

Oh, and I just went to Cheapo and picked up the Blu Ray of season 2 for thirty bucks!