airdate: April 19, 1990
director: David Lynch
writers: David Lynch and Mark Frost
Summary: Ben and Jerry go to One-Eyed Jack's; Leo orders Mike and Bobby to come up with the rest of the drug money; Cooper introduces his rock throwing technique; Albert Rosenfeld arrives; Nadine invents silent drape runners; Cooper has a dream of BOB, Mike, and the little man from another place.
**** four star rating: Let's Rock!
Notes: Ben's eager look at the brie sandwich is funny; does the sandwich remind him of those chicks down by the river because of the crotchy cheese smell or what? Jerry looks down at the sandwich when discussing Laura's death; was he screwing her too? Reference to "freshly scented" new girl at One-Eyed Jack's. Nice mention of church by Dr. Hayward when leaving his daughter alone with James. Blackie is very slinky. The new girl in this episode is VERY Lula Fortune. Interesting night shots of the falls. Who is that in the woods with Leo? When Coop throws the rocks, they hit the stumps for James and Josie, both with whom Laura has had sex. Mrs. Hayward notices Audrey at the diner--interesting connection. Lucy is reading a large book on Tibet--awesome. LOVE Coop's smile when Laura kisses him in the dream. Cute jammies.
Best Lynch Moment: Intro to the red room in the Black Lodge.
Best Line: "LEO NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES!" while shining flashlight down at shoes.
New Characters: Jerry Horne, Blackie O'Reilly, Albert Rosenfeld, Little Man from Another Place
Coffe, pie, or doughnut references: 6
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